Torn from the pages…


Bright, bright white light was everywhere. It fully encased him; he had no idea where he was or what he was doing,he only knew that he felt uneasy. He didn’t know what to do.  Something metallic was spilling down on the back of his throat…blood?  Panicking, he tried to feel around: unimaginable pain shot through every inch of him and a tear spilled down his cheek; he was able to decipher that he was sprawled on a cold, hard, sticky pavement…but exactly where, he did not know. He looked left-nothing, he looked right-a soft,orange glow skirted his vision and comforting heat followed,easing his anxiousness slightly. Out of nowhere,he heard an earsplitting thunder,and was once again met with a bright white light.


I was running.  “Faster,faster,faster” is what I kept telling myself over and over again to get the strength to keep moving forward. I knew they were behind me, a handful of paces, if that,and if I stopped even for a second it would be all over before I could even muster a cry for help. Forward was the only option I’d left myself since I bolted from the scene of the accident, and it was an accident no matter what anyone else thought-I mean, I would know. I could hear them behind me, catching up, or maybe I was slowing down- either way if I didn’t keep up my speed then it would be all over. It was a giant labyrinth: left here, right there, two more lefts and another right; I had no idea where I was going,everything was coated in the same plain white and every single hallway looked the same. I tripped, a fatal mistake on my part, and they grabbed me; I cried out and there was a sharp pinch in my neck, the world slowed and blackness followed- I’ll never be able to escape this madness.


By: Becca Okiec